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Public limited liability company Oro Navigacija is a certified European air navigation service provider (ANSP), rendering air traffic management, communication, navigation and surveillance as well as aeronautical information services across the airspace of the Republic of Lithuania, also above the territorial waters and within the Baltic Sea airspace, which belongs to Vilnius flight information region (FIR). The enterprise also ensures continuous operation of Aeronautical Rescue Coordination Centre, organization and coordination of search and rescue operations in case of an aircraft accident.

Strategic goals

  • To develop a package of the main (regulated) activity services, adapting to the requirements of the market undergoing liberalization.
  • To become the main lower airspace manager in the Baltic region.
  • To develop Knowledge and Innovation Centre.
  • To mitigate climate change by applying environmentally friendly solutions.

Implemented projects  

In order to implement the strategic action plan of Oro Navigacija, the following projects are executed:


Introducing modern aerodrome air traffic control equipment

The goals:  

  • To develop the main activity of Oro Navigacija, adapting to the requirements of a liberalized market and ensuring the geographically independent organization of air traffic services provided by the company.
  • To develop and provide services applying technological solutions developed by iTEC alliance that would ensure flexibility and efficiency in the future.
  • To centralize and ensure the uninterrupted operation of the enterprise using modern technological solutions.

The project is implemented in stages:  

  1. Modernisation of Kauno air traffic control system.
  2. Modernisation of Palanga air traffic control system
  3. Development of iTEC V3 air traffic control system.  
  4. Centralisation of providing air traffic control services.

Implementation of the information system for the organization of flights in the lower airspace (U-space)

The goals:

  • To ensure the current high level of safety and security of the flights as well as efficient operation.
  • To successfully, innovatively and efficiently integrate new airspace users into the air traffic management system.
  • To improve the services for other airspace users as well.  

The implementation of the project is based on the certification and provision of two completely new general information (CIS) and U-space system services. The implementation of the lower airspace interactive air traffic management system shall involve the development of a technological solution and legal environment.

The introduction of new Wide Area Multilateration (WAM) system

The goals:

  • To introduce modern airspace surveillance data collection and transmission technologies.
  • To improve the surveillance coverage field in lower airspace and to increase the variety of surveillance tools used to reduce the risk of continuity of surveillance service.

Following the implementation of the project to be able to share digital information with neighbouring countries and to make the surveillance processes automated.

Aerodrome and access air traffic control simulator update

The goal - is to update the aerodrome air traffic control simulator used at Competence Centre.  

The new simulator shall be used for initial and continuing training of air traffic controllers, for developing their professional skills in case of an accident, changes in the airspace structure or operating procedures, the introduction of new operation methods.

Enhancing Flight Information Service (FIS) connectivity  

The goal is to expand the coverage of radio communication at low altitudes nationwide and to improve the quality of flight information services (FIS).

Following the implementation of the project, it is expected to reorganize and optimize the provision of flight information services, optimize the workload of air traffic controllers and ensure the highest level of flight safety.

Information management system of Oro Navigacija 

The goal is to introduce a solution, allowing to collect, process and store air navigation information data in centralised manner, also enabling the enterprise to offer digital air navigation information products, enhancing and ensuring integrated management of quality procedures of these data.

The result shall afterwards contribute to enhancing the digitalisation at Oro Navigacija, ensuring data quality requirements and improving the accessibility of the information for all the stakeholders.  

Automatic terminal information system (ATIS)  

The goals:

  • To introduce a unified modern system for enhancing the efficiency of service provision
  • To make the procedures of transmitting the information necessary for the pilot automated.

The expected result:

Taking into consideration the new runway and taxiway surface condition assessment system developed by International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) suformuluotą naują kilimo-tūpimo tako (KTT) as well as the notification development format, it is pursued to ensure that ATIS notification is generated automatically and transmitted immediately, in case the runway and taxiway surface/ grip conditions change.


Updated at: 2023-01-04 08:33:57