Meetings with international ANSP
2023 03 02
Our meetings with international air navigation service providers are continued!
The Chief Executive Officer of AB Oro Navigacija Saulius Batavičius and the Head of Operational Department Tomas Montvila had a meeting with the representatives of Swedish air navigation service provider LFV. This company is a leader in air traffic control system digitalisation as they were the first ones to introduce remote air traffic control. The good practices and possible challenges were discussed during the meeting.
Currently, Oro Navigacija has several ongoing strategically important operation modernization projects, one of which is the assessment of the possibilities to implement a digital remote tower solution. We hope that this meeting with the representatives of the Swedish air navigation service provider LFV will ensure fluent preparation, allow us to do the necessary homework and evaluate possible changes and aspects of practical use.
We seek to become the most competitive airspace manager in the Baltic Sea region and aviation solution innovator; thus, the search, analysis and implementation of new technologies is always under our focus.
Photo: Ann Persson Grivas LFV Director General, Saulius Batavičius Oro navigacija Director General
Updated at: 2023-03-02 11:14:46